Steps To Create Scheduling Agreement In Sap Mm

They can establish a delivery plan in relation to the centrally agreed contract, which is advantageous for price negotiations, as purchases are made in large quantities. These conditions, which are mentioned in the agreement, should not change. 1.Delivery plans with a validity of 6 months with maximum possible quantity for all creditors. (ME31L) The main points to be respected under a framework agreement are the following The terms of a framework agreement are valid for a certain period of time and cover a certain pre-defined quantity or value. You can see the “Sell the Party” and “Ship-to Party” fields at the top left of the screen. A sold party can have several ship-to-parties. If many ship-to-parties are linked to a sold part, a dialog box appears on the delivery plan screen. You must choose the relevant ship-to-party to which the selling party ordered you to ship the products. Press F4 or the button in the Sold field to search for your relevant sold part. SAP-SD default delivery plans usually contain: Here you can see that no value has been updated in the top part of the delivery plan: Net value is zero push F3 or return to the main screen. Switch to Edit > Incompletion Log or Ctrl-F8 to see if the delivery plan we just created is complete. Open the final minutes of a delivery agreement press entry as soon as you have selected the part sold so that the SAP system can accept the debitor and continue the development of the delivery plan.

If two parts of the shipment have been assigned to the customer, a dialog box will be displayed to select the corresponding field that your customer has ordered to sell. Double-click on the desired and the same will be selected. Press or tap F5 to fill in the next missing field, if it exists. Once all the necessary data is completed, the system will take you to the main screen of the delivery plan. When the receipt is completed, the SAP system displays the corresponding message accordingly: . The delivery plan is complete once you have established the delivery plan and are satisfied with the information provided, tap CTRL-S to register the delivery plan. The delivery plan has been successfully registered Press to know the current state of the delivery plan: State of the delivery plan In this SAP SD tutorial, we will talk about delivery plans in sap-distribution. You`ll know what SAP SD delivery plans are for and how to create them.

We provide relevant screenshots and instructions for this process. Step 2 – Include the delivery plan number. A framework contract is a long-term sales contract with a creditor that contains terms and conditions for the equipment to be provided by the creditor. Please note that each field with a “ick-sign” means its mandatory and it must be replenished, otherwise the SAP system would not allow you to go any further. To choose the type of delivery plan required, tap F4 on the appropriate field and view all LoVs (value list) with the types of schedule available.