Engineering Non Compete Agreement

Engineering Non-Compete Agreement: All You Need to Know

Engineering non-compete agreements are legal documents that prohibit employees from working for a competing company, either during the term of their employment or for a period following the termination of their employment. These agreements are common in the engineering industry to protect the interests of the employer and prevent employees from using the knowledge and skills they have gained while working for one company to benefit a competitor. In this article, we will explore the basics of engineering non-compete agreements.

What is a Non-Compete Agreement?

A non-compete agreement is a legal contract between an employer and an employee, where the employee agrees not to work for a competitor for a specific period of time. This agreement is designed to protect the employer`s business interests by preventing employees from taking the skills and knowledge they acquire during their employment and using it to compete against their employer.

Why are Non-Compete Agreements Necessary in the Engineering Industry?

Engineering is a highly specialized field that requires extensive knowledge and expertise. Many engineering firms invest a significant amount of time and resources to train and develop their employees. Non-compete agreements are necessary to protect the business interests of the employer. These agreements ensure that the employees cannot use the knowledge and skills they have acquired while working for their employer to benefit a competitor.

What Should be Included in an Engineering Non-Compete Agreement?

An effective engineering non-compete agreement should include the following elements:

1. Clear Definition of the Prohibited Activity: The agreement should clearly define the activities that the employee is prohibited from engaging in. It should also specify the duration of the non-compete period.

2. Scope of the Non-Compete Agreement: The agreement should clearly define the geographic scope of the non-compete agreement. This will ensure that the employee cannot work for a competitor within a specific geographic area.

3. Consideration: The agreement should include consideration, which is something of value exchanged between the parties. Compensation, stock options, or other forms of value can be used as consideration in a non-compete agreement.

4. Enforceability: The agreement should be enforceable under the law. This will ensure that the employer can pursue legal action if the employee violates the agreement.

Are Non-Compete Agreements Enforceable?

Non-compete agreements are generally enforceable, but the enforceability varies from state to state. Some states like California, North Dakota, and Oklahoma, have banned or restricted the use of non-compete agreements. In other states, non-compete agreements are enforceable, but certain conditions must be met. It is essential to consult an attorney to ensure that the non-compete agreement complies with state laws.


In conclusion, engineering non-compete agreements are essential in protecting the interests of employers. While non-compete agreements can restrict the mobility of employees, they are necessary to protect confidential information and trade secrets. To ensure that the agreement is legally binding, it is critical to seek advice from an attorney to draft an agreement that is enforceable under the law.